On the seventh anniversary of the Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s tenure

Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s stands as a global figure who has directed the world’s gaze towards Saudi Arabia.

Seven years ago, on this day, Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud assumed the esteemed positions of Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. This momentous occasion prompts the publication of this article.

King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the King of Saudi Arabia, bestowed upon Muhammad Bin Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud the title of Prince of Saudi Arabia on the 26th day of Ramadan in the year 1438 Hijri, specifically on June 21, 2017. Prior to this appointment, Muhammad bin Salman had served as Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister.

Accompanying his new title, he retained these responsibilities, with the added honor of being appointed Prime Minister by King Salman.

Observing Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s dedication, sacrifice, and visionary leadership, King Salman recognized his son’s potential to effectively lead the nation. The people of Saudi Arabia, already familiar with Muhammad’s impressive credentials as a skilled engineer, eagerly anticipated his appointment as prince. Welcomed with widespread acclaim, Muhammad bin Salman was hailed as the ‘leader of the youth’, signifying the nation’s collective optimism for his leadership.

Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s appointment as Crown Prince ignited a wave of optimism and progress across Saudi Arabia. Despite his youth, his upbringing in a politically astute family prepared him for the responsibilities that lay ahead.

In his tenure, Prince Muhammad bin Salman has prioritized the modernization of Saudi Arabia, introducing the ambitious Vision 2030 plan to propel the nation forward. With widespread support from the people, all developmental programs are now aligned with this visionary blueprint. His firm dedication has yielded numerous achievements over the past seven years, leaving an enduring legacy in Saudi history. As the kingdom commemorates his seventh anniversary as Crown Prince, it reflects on its status as a premier destination for Muslims worldwide, particularly for the sacred pilgrimages of Hajj and Umrah.

Saudi Arabia’s commitment to facilitating these religious obligations is underscored by the extensive support provided to pilgrims, encompassing various government ministries and specialized security forces. The nation’s efforts in ensuring the comfort and safety of pilgrims have garnered widespread acclaim globally. Prince Muhammad bin Salman, alongside his father King Salman, continues to spearhead these endeavors, affirming Saudi Arabia’s position as a leading host for religious pilgrimages.

Saudi Arabia, often considered the hub of the Middle East, stands as a powerhouse in the global economy. Despite its abundant natural resources, Crown Prince Muhammad has championed a diversification strategy, steering the nation towards economic development beyond resource dependency. His initiatives have propelled Saudi Arabia into the forefront of the tourism industry, with significant contributions to the country’s economic growth. Projections indicate that over 100 million tourists will visit Saudi Arabia by 2023, highlighting the success of Prince Muhammad’s programs.

In line with efforts to attract more tourists, ambitious development projects such as Diriyah, Mukaab, and the Saudi Green Project have been initiated under the prince’s guidance. These projects, alongside the development of infrastructure like the Red Sea Airport and King Salman International Airport, have been instrumental in enhancing the country’s tourism sector.


Officials from ‘Red Sea Global’ have confirmed the readiness of the Red Sea Airport to accommodate up to 1 million passengers annually, signaling the nation’s commitment to becoming a premier tourist destination. Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s visionary approach to economic development has undoubtedly positioned Saudi Arabia as a leading player in the global tourism landscape.

The Red Sea International Airport, geared towards positioning Saudi Arabia as a global tourist hotspot, has recently commenced domestic flight services and is set to launch international flights from April 18th, with ‘Fly Dubai’ initiating direct flights from Dubai for the first time.

Saudi Arabia currently leads in technology and administrative efficiency, with projections suggesting it will take Britain three decades to catch up. Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s significant contributions to this advancement cannot be overstated.

Furthermore, the Prince is actively bolstering the nation’s economy by competing with powerhouse economies within the G20 and BRICS organizations. Saudi Arabia’s progress in arms production has surpassed global powers, with its armed forces now ranking as the world’s largest combat-ready army and the sixth most powerful.

Over the past seven years, the Prince has propelled Saudi Arabia to unprecedented heights across various domains, earning global recognition. Today, Saudi Arabia stands as a pivotal destination for world leaders, politicians, financiers, and economists, underscoring its newfound prominence on the world stage.
At the request of the Crown Prince, numerous multinational companies have established their headquarters in Riyadh, illuminating Saudi Arabia with a plethora of innovative initiatives.

Moreover, Saudi Arabia has emerged as a global leader in technical education and vocational training under the Prince’s guidance. His efforts have shattered the misconception that space exploration is limited to developing nations, propelling Saudi Arabia to the forefront of research and innovation. The kingdom’s exceptional achievements in international innovation competitions, including securing the top 37 positions in a recent contest, stand as a testament to Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s vision and leadership.

Furthermore, Saudi Arabia remains steadfast in its commitment to addressing global challenges. The Prince has tirelessly pursued peaceful resolutions to conflicts such as the Ukraine-Russia dispute, the crisis in Sudan, and the Palestinian issue. Demonstrating Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian spirit, aid has been extended to war-affected regions, including Palestine’s assistance to both Sudan and Ukraine.

Additionally, Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s diplomatic finesse was evident in his handling of internal strife in Sudan. By facilitating peace talks and providing humanitarian assistance, he facilitated the safe relocation of over three thousand individuals affected by the Sudanese civil war to Saudi Arabia. His efforts have earned widespread praise and admiration, solidifying his reputation as a global advocate for peace and stability.

Over a hundred Sri Lankans stranded in Sudan were successfully rescued and repatriated to Colombo, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Ali Sabry.

This rescue operation underscores Saudi Arabia’s unparalleled commitment to humanitarian aid, further solidifying its global standing. Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s diplomatic endeavors extend to addressing the Palestinian issue, with numerous summits convened under Saudi auspices. Working alongside Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, the Crown Prince continues to engage in diplomatic initiatives aimed at resolving the Palestinian conflict.

In response to King Salman and Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s call for action, the Saudi Arabian populace has rallied in a monumental donation drive to provide relief to affected Palestinians. The humanitarian aid dispatched, including food, medicine, tents, and ambulances, underscores Saudi Arabia’s unwavering commitment to supporting those in need.

Despite the significant relief efforts already underway, Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian aid continues to pour into the region via a multitude of cargo planes and trucks, highlighting the nation’s ongoing dedication to alleviating suffering and providing support to communities in crisis.

Recognizing that corruption poses a significant obstacle to progress, the Prince took decisive action upon assuming office to root out corruption within the royal family and beyond. Despite his royal lineage, he did not hesitate to hold wrongdoers accountable, reclaiming billions of Riyals for the nation’s treasury and earning widespread support from the populace for his anti-corruption efforts.

Additionally, under his leadership, Saudi Arabia has effectively tackled terrorism and drug crimes, establishing itself as a key figure in the fight against extremism and terrorism on both regional and global fronts. Spearheading a coalition of 44 Islamic nations, the Crown Prince has played a pivotal role in combatting these threats.

Furthermore, the diplomatic insight of the Crown Prince has bolstered Saudi Arabia’s standing on the global stage, fostering stronger relations with developed countries and achieving notable diplomatic successes at both local and international levels. His assertion that Saudi Arabia now ranks among the most influential countries worldwide resonates as a testament to the nation’s newfound prominence under his leadership.

For those seeking to combat terrorism, drug crimes, and corruption while steering their nation towards progress, the King of Saudi Arabia and the Crown Prince serve as exemplary role models. Prince Mohammed bin Salman, alongside his father King Salman, has demonstrated steadfast dedication in shaping Saudi Arabia and its citizens to thrive in the modern era. His leadership has been instrumental in sculpting a contemporary Saudi Arabia poised for advancement, earning him recognition as a transformative figure in the nation’s history.

May Almighty Allah protect the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, the people of Saudi Arabia and the holy land of Saudi Arabia.

M. H. Shehuddeen Madani (BA Hons)
Al Hikma Welfare Assocition, Colombo

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